
Three Idiots Poster

Now, its time to reveal my topten remarkable lines from an Indian Romance – Comedy Film “Three Idiots” so this was played by a three (3) fictional characters named Rancho, Farhan and Rastogi together with Chatur and Pia – the lead female paired to Rancho.

The story is framed as flashback from the present day. Farhan Qureshi and Raju Rastogi want to re-unite with their fellow collegian, Rancho with Chatur’s help. Enroute, the three rescues Pia from an unhappy wedding. So, four of them will find Rancho. On their way, Farhan narrate the story from the three engineering students of Imperial College of Engineering (ICE). Farhan is studying engineering to pursue his father’s wishes over his own wish to become a wildlife photographer. Raju is studying to get his family out of poverty. On the other hand, Rancho studies for his simple passion in machines. Rancho believes that one should follow excellence, not success, as success will take care of itself if excellence is followed. However, the three students had a challenging experience on their college because of their dean of the college, Professor Viru “Virus” Sahastrabuddhe who had contrary beliefs over Rancho which leads to their misunderstanding, clashes and argumentation which makes their worst memories in college. But Rancho had to bow his head because he fell in love with Virus’s daughter Pia, a medical student. The story also revealed a secret of Rancho that was been kept from them all this time, where they found a completely different man: the real Ranchhoddas Chanchad.

After a long seeking travel, the three friends reunite and Pia and Rancho rekindle their love, while Chatur believes that he defeated Rancho from being a successful man that he is attaining now. However, Rancho reveals his true name: Phunsukh Wangd, which makes Chatur realized Rancho and Phunshuk are same man. He mortified, accepts his defeat and pleads with Phunsukh just to forgive him and to accept his company’s contract. Phunsukh, Pia, Farhan and Raju run laughing into the distance with Chatur in pursuit.

Meanwhile the story has memorable dialogue that will inspire us in life:

  1. Rancho: This is a college, not a pressure cooker
  2. Farhan Qureshi: Do your Passion your Profession then your Work will become PLAY!!
  3. Rancho: you should dump your fears or you’ll regret it on your deathbed.
  4. Virus: [after Virus called Rancho to define machine, but Rancho gave a simple meaning that was not written on the book.] Why are you back?
    Rancho: Sir, I forgot to take something…
    Virus: What?
    Rancho:Instruments that record, analyse, summarise, organise, debate and explain information; that are illustrated, non-illustrated, hardbound, paperback, jacketed, non-jacketed; with foreword, introduction, table of contents, index; that are indented for the enlightenment, understanding, enrichment, enhancement and education of the human brain through sensory route of vision – sometimes touch.
    Virus: [confused] What are you trying to say?
    Rancho:Books sir! I forgot to take my books.
  5. Farhan: Today my respect for that idiot shot up. Most of us went to college just for a degree. No degree meant no plum job, no pretty wife, no credit card, no social status. But none of this mattered to him, he was in college for the joy of learning, he never cared if he was first or last.
  6. Farhan: [after finding out Rancho topped their exam] That day we learned, when your friend flunks, you feel bad, when he tops, you feel worse.
  7. Rancho to Raju: exams? we have many . but father? only one. (Raju missed his exam because he have to take his father on the hospital)
  8. Virus belief: “Life is a race, Run fast or you’ll get trampled
  9. Rancho: Don’t chase success, chase excellence and success will follow
  10. Rancho and All: “All izz well”

Upon release, the film broke all opening box office records in India. It was the highest-grossing film in its opening weekend in India and had the highest opening day collections for a Bollywood film. Following the success of 3 Idiots in East Asian markets such as China and Hong Kong, it has announced that Hongkong Film star Stephen Chow will be producing a Chinese Remake of the film. There were also announcements that there are plans for a Hollywood remake. The management also stated that there is an Italian Film studio also interested in remaking the film.


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