Experiencing Studio Tour at ABS CBN Channel 2

734526_550372011642578_503665146_nJust this January 28, 2011, we had a studio tour at ABS CBN Channel 2. It was a one and a half hour arrival going to Quezon from Pampanga.
And when we are finally there, we are welcomed by a tour guide. But before we could enter their studios, Here comes the orientation or notify us some rules set for studio tour.
The first destination (haha) we have visited is the studio of Minute to Win it.
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To be honest I haven’t watch this TV show that is why I do not have any idea if it was just the same as you seen in TV. But as I have heard to my classmates they said it was too small compare when you see it in TV. I just keep my mouth shut for any comment because I really don’t have any idea.
But if I still can recall, the tour guide said, the studio was also used in other program and other game shows.
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Next is the room of TV Patrol. My first reaction was “Cool!”. Even though it’s not my first time to saw a news room because of my on-the-job training or the studio we are using at our university. Still it was a different experience after seeing it in real or in  person.
24461_550372568309189_1485659873_nThe huge high tech TV screen their using . Those giants lights placed on the ground, standing and even hanging. And the other advanced equipments used also by your favorite news reporter of channel 2.
Cool right!! I sometimes dream of becoming a news reporter in front of the camera delivering my news. haha!
And at last but never been on the least. After I guess, almost 2 hours of waiting. Finally, the highlight of this studio tour. Here we are to be a live guests of their top rated show “Its Showtime!”.
It was an amazing, fun experience being a live guest on their top rated rhow “Its Showtime”! At ‘Showtime’ it was really hilarious. People are dancing, acting like there’s no tomorrow. That they seem no care of who are watching them and they are being recorded by camera. Uhmmm… Maybe because on their mind this is their chance to show their talents and be discover. HAHA!! But it only shows that they are really having fun.
We also saw celebrities working on “Its Showtime”. Unfortunately, such an unlucky day for us, because the one who is giving us stomach ache because of so much laughter, Vice Ganda, is nowhere to be found. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. No! Just kidding! He was leave due to sickness. ;(
The studio was small compare it when you have seen it in TV. Also, celebrities like Anne Curtis, Karylle, their looks, their body built are away different after seeing them in person. As the tour guide said, since the network using a wide lens of camera, when you view it on TV it was like a large place or large studio. That’s is why even people, once you are caught by their cameras. You are gaining a 10 pounds. That is why it will look bigger.
I don’t know but after the show ends. I feel really tired and sleepy, seems like all of my energy were drained.
Of course, this experience is fun, great and unforgettable one. This is a opportunity to see how program runs, the behavior of people working in a network.
But my whole experience, I was a bit unsatisfied. Besides from the fact that Vice Ganda is out. But because we fail to visit the studio used in Kris TV and ASAP. Urgh!! I was expecting to see it because we are informed by the tour guide. But when we get there, the tour guide explained to us that the set are currently in use.
Nevertheless, this a opportunity experience and I had fun.
And I wasn’t not that really sad and disappointed because I knew for sure, I will someday come again at ABS CBN, not as a student, a live guest but a full time employee working there. HAHA!!

Gifts for Valentine’s Day


Tomorrow will be day which they called “Valentine’s Day”. I knew for sure some singles out there tomorrow is just like any ordinary day for them. Well, for you to become the valentine’s day an exciting and unforgettable one why not dating with your friends. Go out and have fun with your loved ones i mean your family or friends. HAHA!! Just like me, this is what I plan tomorrow. hehe! I will be dating my friends. But telling you the detail of my plan tomorrow is not about this blog.

3Because this is about helping you guys, men out there in giving the best valentines gift in showing your beloved one how much you care and love her. (actually I wrote this for myself, gifts I wanted to receive this valentines but from who? who will give me a valentines gift if I don’t have a partner, a beloved man. But this doesn’t mean I was unhappy or feel incomplete. Yes, Maybe I am single but I was never alone. HAHA!)
Here it goes. These are some list of gifts to give you men out there a great ideas.Purple heart in the hands

Flowers or Roses. This might think you that this is boring, not good enough. But guys, girls really appreciate if you give them flowers or roses. For you to make it more special and unique, why not buy a dozen and place a memorable photos of you together. This a sweet move and girls would think or it only shows that you consider or place an importancy of the memories that you have been together not just at the flowers but with your heart.  (So, If you give me flowers or red roses, I will like you already. HAHA!)

Handcrafted Gifts. Creating a one-of-a-kind gift will only shows that you take effort and time to show how you really love her. Girls will realized of how special she is knowing that she had received it from her love one. Girls will really love your work!
Personalized Gifts. Gifts that you like in common or gift that your girl really like but you put some thoughts and uniqueness will be appreciated by your girl. It tells to your woman that you went the extra mile and you actually put some thought into the gift.
Love Letter. Writing a love letter might make you feel silly or old, but your loved one will be thrilled. Guys, don’t think it’s kind of corny or a gay thing because this is your chance to voice out in written form of your true feelings kept in your heart. With sweet words and skipping a heart beat lines written on your love letter will souly touch your girl and makes a remarks in her heart.
Romantic Dinner. Do you have a special restaurant as a couple? Make reservations at your special restaurant or recreate your first date and relive the memories. Then on your dinner, play in the background your themesong. “After All” is good choice of song (this is our themesong. hehe!).
Get Away Trip. For the Valentines experience of a lifetime, treat her to a romantic getaway trip. Either way, she’ll fell shes special with a gift like this. Make it a memorable experience, women love taking trips down memory lane.
Chocolates. All women love chocolate. Wow her by making a homemade chocolate made by you and only for her.
But the main thing to remember about giving a gift that makes a lasting impression on the woman you love, is the thought. The special woman in your life will be happy as long as she knows you put some thought into choosing the gift and that it comes from the heart. and Still your faithful love is the best gift to be receive by your beloved in this coming valentines.

My Reading List on Wattpad.com

As I have said in my previous blog. WATTPAD.COM. Here, you will see some sort of stories such as romance, comedy, horror and many more because actually this is a free writing site where anyone can express their ideas and creations in terms of writing story.

And now I start to read some great stories on that website. Here are my Reading List 🙂

  1. She died by Haveyouseenthisgirl
  2. Being Kidnapped by Deliquent Vampire by KheyDCA
  3. Talk Back or You’r Dead by AlessanaMarie
  4. Fulfiller of His Needs: Sex Slave by perfectlover
  5. Fallen by spicydumz
  6. The Revenge of a Rape Victim by owwsic
  7. Don’t English me, I’m Bleeding! by simplychummy
  8. Its Him my Jerk Boss! by sherran0558
  9. Getting to know each other on Bed by KimVerly
  10. Sleeping with my Rapist by Unknown

Just check it out guys!! and might interest you also to read 🙂

It was all written in Filipino and written by the popular writer in wattpad 🙂

Movies I think a MUST watch

This coming 1st week of February. together with my friends, we’ll do movie marathon of these movies:   🙂


Pitch Perfect Promotional Poster

1. Pitch Perfect

The film revolves around the Bellas, an
all-female a cappella group from Barden University. Beca (Anna kendrick) the lead cast of the said movie will face challenges and problems after she was force to go to Los Angeles and join the Bellas when Beca’s father (John Hickey) finds out that Beca has not been attending classes. Beca did a great work in the Bellas. She plays several of her own mixes of contemporary songs and joining in the Bellas she found her happiness. But she will eventually realized she really needs the Bellas in her life after she quit because she was yelled by the group leader, Audrey.


A Moment to Remember Promotional Poster

2. A Moment to Remember

27-year-old fashion designer Soo-Jin (Son Ye-Jin) goes into a convenience store to buy a Coke, but accidentally leaves it on the counter. Remembering the Coke, Soo-Jin walks back to the store and sees a man (Jung Woo Sung) walking out of the store with a can of Coke. Soo-Jin, believing the drink is hers, snatches it from the man’s hand and downs the drink in one gulp. Later on the bus, Soo-Jin remembers that she also left her wallet at the convenient store. When goes back to retrieve her wallet, the clerk hands her the wallet and the can of Coke she left behind. Ooops.

One day, while surveying a construction site that her father is in charge of, Soo-Jin sees the same man she mistakenly believed took her drink. The man’s name is Chul-Soo and is he the foreman at the construction site. Soo-Jin begins to fall for Chul-Soo and begins to woo him. A relationship develops and Soo-Jin and Chul-Soo eventually marries.

Life seems great for the couple, but Soo-Jin’s forgetfulness worsens and she soon learns she a rare form of Alzheimer’s.


Heavenly Forest Poster

3. Heavenly Forest

This is about a photographer named Makoto (Hiroshi Tamaki), who travels to New York during Christmas to look for his best friend, Shizuru (Aoi Miyazaki)). The two first met when Makoto attended his university entrance ceremony. Due to his inferiority complex, Makoto tends to shy away from other people but Shizuru managed to make him open up to her. Because of their friendship, Shizuru also ended up taking an interest in photography and the two often went to a forest to take pictures. Shizuru wants nothing else but to be by Makoto’s side so when he started liking another girl called Miyuki (Meisa Kuroki), Shizuru decided that she too will like Miyuki and becomes her friend. One day, Makoto asked Shizuru what present she’d like to receive for her birthday. Shizuru, who wanted to enter a photography competition, had an idea to take a picture of the two of them kissing in a forest. Makoto agreed to do this and the two kissed for the very first time. Ever since that day, however, Shizuru disappears from Makoto’s life.


From Me to You Promotional Poster

4. From Me to You (Kimi ni Todoke)

This movie revolves about being a classmates, friends and turn to become a lover of Sawako Kuronuma (Mikako Tabe) who is nicknamed as “Sadako” because of the same scary of look with the main character from the horror movie “Ring” and when Shota Kazehaya (Haruma Miura), the most popular boy in school.

Sawako Kuronuma has a gloomy appearance but they didn’t know her personality is bright and caring. Her favorite motto is “do one good thing once a day,” but she cares too much about others and cannot express her thoughts. This has made her somewhat of an outcast at school. While Shota Kazehaya, classmates with Sawako, an outgoing and popular with all the students. He is even polite with Sawako, which makes Sawako respect him and even admire him.

Meanwhile, Kazehaya has special feelings towards Sawako. He notices the look of respect that Sawako gives to him and suppresses his own feelings for her. With help from Kazehaya, Sawako gets better at interacting with her classmates and even makes friends with Chizuru Yoshida (Misako Renbutsu) & Ayane Yano (Natsuna Watanabe). This is a happy moment for Sawako as she has friends now that she can talk freely with Now being able to express her feelings to her friends, Sawako realizes she has special feelings for Kazehaya. During this time, a cute girl named Ume Kurumizawa (Mirei Kiritani), who has been friends with Kazehaya since middle school, appears in front of Sawako and confesses her feelings for Kazahaya and asks for her help.

What will now happen with their relationship? Of course with the personality of Kazehaya who is always the nice guy, it will be hard for him to reject or ignore the feeling  of Ume. and will Sawako help Ume if this will hurt inside of her? Is it late for anyone? or they still have a chance to find ways regarding the so called- Love.


After we  have read the plot, we found it interesting, that is why we are excited to watch all of these. 🙂 I hope the summary I made would also encourage you to watch those movies.

The Girl who Leapt Through Time

A friend introduced one to me and I got interested on its concept, I wanted to give it a try. So this became my Japanese movie view (and review) debut ever.


The title speaks for the story itself, “The Girl Who Leaped Through Time.” To briefly
elaborate, it’s about a high school girl named Yoshiyama Akari who was to fulfill her dying mom’s wish to meet her (mom) first love in high school named Fukamachi Kazuo through a time-traveling elixir she experimented as a scientist. However, she (Akari) mistakenly leaped back to February 1974 instead of April 1972, and suffered searching, but with the help of a guy named Ryota she eventually fell in love with. The story went to her meeting people in the past whom she knew at present, including the one that she’d been looking for (Kazuo who also happened to leap from year 2698) and the one she realized was a valuable part of who she was. In the end, she had to face the painful aftermath of time-traveling… which is yours to discover, with fingers crossed.
Time-themed movies usually require wide comprehension from viewers in order for them not to be left behind from what’s already going on and to avoid perplexity especially on the concept’s inconsistencies. It didn’t totally work for me by the scene Akari finally met Kazuo. I replayed it about twice to understand Kazuo’s explanation of the consequences of leaping through time involving its rules, the people behind it and the effects of elixir that serves as a key to its occurrence.
Anyways, I’ll go through details that I liked. One was Akari’s innocent and quirky personality. Funny scene no. 1: when she laughed at herself thinking she was silly attempting to time-travel the first time she drank the elixir. Funny scene no. 2: when she also seemed so proud and serious (yet naturally comical at the same time) trying hard to convince Ryota that she in fact exists in 2010 with her highly-technological gadgets and other stuff. Funny scene no. 3: when she posed like a pro with a bow and arrow and … Funny scene no. 4: the way she counted her coins, sliding her chin on the table, totally focused. Funny scene no. 5: when she strangely sobbed after watching the old inaudible film while her friends thought it was worthless.
I also learned a bit of the entertainment history since the process of early film-making was shown. It was interesting. Last but not the least, the cherry blossoms was nice and awesome! I suppose that a Japanese movie won’t be good enough without any cherry-blossoms-scenes in it.
From the beginning, every scene revealed an essential piece of a puzzle. It guided my thoughts on connecting the happenings among all eras and vividly directed me to the whole picture—the story’s conclusion. Though I’ve always had confusions on time-themed movies as I said, I appreciate how this one eventually satisfied my curiosity.

Akari and Kazuo

Tragic. That’s the one last hint I’d give. It’s hard when some things are really not meant to happen, it may also be harder the other way. It’s good to look back, but what’s more important is to keep moving forward.

  But hey! Speaking of moving forward, I was bothered by the music video Nostalgia which they stated was the ultimate end of this live action movie, which was the time Akari went on with her normal life without any idea of her time-leaping experience. What was it for? What did it actually mean? Who was the new guy? Whoever happens to read this review, please help me understand. Drop your comments (elaborations) now!
(By the way, I’m also gonna watch the animè version: Toki Wo Kakeru Shoujo.)

Sky of Love

Oh yeah guys ~! Another movie that was truly touching and wonderful. It’s just like the other common movies that I had watched but the difference of this movie from the others is, ‘sky of love’ really touches your heart. Good job for the storyline. The actors and actresses really portrayed their character well. The two leading characters are Yui Aragaki who portrayed the role of Mika and Haruma Miura as Hiro, they have this tandem, that they have this chemistry.

Sky of Love promotional poster

Sky of Love promotional poster

This is a must watch film, if you find story of first-love-facing-difficulties movies and of course you should not be expecting with the ending like happily ever after.  But you should expect many shed of tears. There are also lines or their dialogue that can touch your heart and remarks in your life. Lines that are remarkable and can inspire us. Like the one Hiro told Mika that he like to become a sky, so that he can watch over Mika above and immediately know if she’s in trouble. How sweet is he right?!

It’s a really well-done movie. I don’t know why some don’t like it. Maybe because with the ending because they are expecting in such couple who happily forever. But all of you have different opinions, so that’s good to know. 🙂 It have sense in a way how it touched others including me.. I watch I over and over and did not get tired of watching it.. Thums UP~! KAWAIII!!!

To have you idea of the story this is the plot but it was better if you watch it!! 🙂

High school student Mika (Yui Aragaki) has yet to encounter true love. One day, she runs meets Hiro (Haruma Miura), a rebellious young man with white hair, during class break, but is of put off by his unusual demeanor. Mika then loses her cellphone only to find it again with all her contacts deleted. Then a mysterious person calls her daily, leaving memorable remarks for her. Mika becomes interested in this mysterious person. Finally, the person on the other end of the phone asks to meet Mika in person.

The next day, Mika is shocked to learn the person calling her is Hiro. They soon become a couple despite their differences. Mika then becomes the target of a horrific act, when Hiro’s ex-girlfriend hires three guys to rape Mika. The tragedy serves to only strengthen Mika and Hiro’s relationship. A few months later, Mika becomes pregnant with Hiro’s baby and the couple ask their parents to accept their marriage. Tragedy again strikes when Mika has a miscarriage.

Snap Shots :)

Snap Shots 🙂

The next semester, Hiro, inexplicably, gives the cold shoulder to Mika. Mika even finds Hiro kissing another girl at a house party which she only learned about through a third party. When Mika confronts Hiro about his recent behavior, Hiro tells her that he wants to break up. Mika, completely devastated, shuts herself off from others until she meets sweet natured Yu Fukuhara (Keisuke Koide). Mika slowly opens up to Yu as they become closer. Mika then uncovers a shocking secret about her first boyfriend Hiro. That made Mika decides to be with Hiro before he leaves the earth and left Mika crying. Hiro then told Mika, he was always watching Mika above as he said he will be a sky. That is why when Mika try to look up as Hiro remind to Mika that always smile.

So to those who have not seen this movie I hope the summary I made would encourage you to give this movie. It’s very sad because Mika should be losing her love, Hiro. But she’s really strong girl. They should be a couple who happily FOREVER. … I suggest to the director to have another season of this movie…. the reincarnation/reborn of hiro…. that will be very interesting, isn’t it? HAHAHA!! I want to crave for more even though I my hearts feels so crumple
because I was so affected. 🙂


Money is not the root of evil, but the love of it may result for you to be a devil. The fact that money is a need because it pays our bills, may heal our ills and give us thrills. Without money we can’t buy our needs and also what we would like.

According to Wikipedia, money is anything that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts. For everyone, we interpret and treat money differently. Whether it is the abundance of wealth or the lack thereof there is a certain level of importance which we all seem to place on the precious commodity.

All of us have different view of money depending on the environment we grew up.

You have to be glad if you are in certain of wealth or you’re born rich.  Because the lifestyle you live are far from unfortunate people where everything is lavish, fabulous and expensive. Rich people maintain their wealth by investing. Those who are rich sometimes are forced to continue that legacy to maintain their stature. But some mismanage their wealth and became poor. Money can be easy come and easy go. It takes proper financial management and financial sense to keep it.

For those who grew up in poor surroundings, they understand the importance of money. For many, money is the way out of poverty and they will place all their focus on avenues that could get them out of that state such as education. We have seen numerous stories of people who did not have it but with the right attitude and approach they were able to live a better life.

However, some of the poor see money differently. They see money as short term, so they spend it to make them content in the moment; they forgot the importance of saving for the future and having investment accounts. While there are others they wouldn’t spend all of the money they had in a moment because they understand the position they are in and have an idea of what they would like to be for their future.

In our world today, people are materialistic. We are set in what is the latest and trend. The entertainment industry is pushing this attitude of ‘you can have it all’ and at all costs.

Money and the abundance of it can last a lifetime if we understand the basic concepts. As human beings we need to live within our means and recognize that if we spend more than we earn we will be poor. No one wants to be poor; we want to be independent, strong and able to survive. With rising standards of living and costs going up, the worst thing that could happen to us is to lack needed funds. Money can be our way out of poverty but it can also lead to our own loss.

Sure money is good and wonderful to have but the love of it could ruin our lives

10 Brain Foods That You Need

Everyone is aware of having a good healthy diet that keeps you energized, maintains good health and allows for healthy brain activity.

When we talk about our brain, as the old saying goes “We are what, we eat” holds true.

So I made a research on what foods brain need if you want to improve your concentration, sharpen your memory, and reduce the effects of aging.

Brain-Food       Salmon: High in Fatty Acids and Omega-3. Salmon assists the repair and development of tissues that increase brain activity. Salmon can also prevent age related disorders such as Alzheimer’s Disease.

Flax Seeds: being high in alpha-lionolenic acid (ALA). A fat that is healthy for the brain improves function of the brains cerebral cortex that processes all the sensory information.

Blueberries: provide an array of functions when it comes to brain activity. Consisting of high levels of antioxidants, blueberries help in any form of radical damage and are known to improve memory functions. Blueberries have also been known to reverse the effects of ageing by improving motor functions.

Coffee: drinking coffee regularly has been proven to reduce, mental disorders such as Dementia, Alzheimer’s and many other. Caffeine is good for the brain and is known to be high in antioxidants. However, it is important to remember not to mix your coffee with any artificial sweeteners because that significantly reduces the positive impact of caffeine on you body.

Green Tea: having two cups a day has proven to lower the risk for cognitive impairment. Green tea can protect you from Parkinson’s disease and other related mental disorders. Studies have shown that green tea increases dopamine that increases positive moods and healthy muscle functions.

Mixed Nuts: walnuts, pecans, peanuts, and most nuts have properties that aid you in fighting insomnia and promote mental clarity. Walnuts are rich in Omega-3 and are a natural mood enhancing stimulant.

Eggs:  are known to improve memory functions.

Whole grains: whole grains are exceptional brain foods that improve circulation of the brain and comprise of vitamins as well as Omega-3. Whole grains include whole grain bread or oatmeal.

Chocolate: the yummiest of all brain food. Chocolate is rich in antioxidants and also improves focus and concentration. In addition, chocolate has the ability to enhance your motor skills and memory.

Avocados: the fat in an avocado is not one to be afraid of. It improves the blood flow and keeps the functioning of your brain at optimal level. Avocados are a considered the best alternate to medicine when you need to reduce your blood pressure.

So, if you want to keep your mind sharp and nourished these ten highly effective brain foods will not only improve your memory, mood, concentration, and over all clarity, but will also prevent you from any forms of age related disorders.

Taking Care of your Eyes

Eyes are one of the important parts of our body. So what foods we intake, we must consider what would be benefit for our eyes. Therefore, we should continue to have a generous intake of healthy foods that are right for our body and for our eyes. By doing so, we could prevent any potential diseases from happening.Eye_health

Below are the food items that should be included in a diet and those that should be avoided, in order to maintain the health of your eyes and prevent any eye disease:

Foods containing Beta Carotene

Beta carotene helps the body in making Vitamin A which in turn helps in maintaining good health of the eye. Xerophthalmia, is an eye disease that is caused by the deficiency of vitamin A. This disease affects the cornea of the eyes and makes them dry. Vitamin A also helps in preventing other types of diseases such as cataracts or glaucoma. Your diet should include fruits and vegetables that are high in beta carotene such as carrots, squash, peaches, apricots and oranges, in order to maintain the level of vitamin A in your body and subsequently improve eye health.

Consuming Antioxidants

Vitamin A, C and E, along with other important fatty acids have significant amounts of antioxidants in them, which may help in maintaining the health of the eye by preventing any oxidative damage. Though, this may not have a major impact on your eye. Zinc is another element that protects the eyes from the eye disease called macular degeneration.

Foods High in Sugar

Those foods that contain high levels of sugar should be avoided. These not only lead to weight gain, but may cause the nerves to damage and may possibly lead to diabetes. Diabetes, in turn, may cause loss of vision.

Foods High in Saturated Fats

In order to maintain the health of the eye, foods that are too high in saturated fats should be avoided. They may lead to eye damage as they cause poor circulation. According to research, foods that have a high amount of salt in them may lead to the formation of cataracts.

Overall, there is no specific formula with which you can protect the health of your eye through your diet. You just have to avoid sugar and bad fats. Also, make sure to include generous servings of vegetables in your diet. You should also have those foods containing beta carotene in your everyday diet.